He is then spared (This cutscene is extended further in Sift Renegade 2). Kiro starts attacking but is too fast to shoot so Vinnie shoots the rope holding Shorty while Kiro is right under it, defeating him. Vinnie heads to the dump to find his girlfriend hanging from a crane on a chair. Vinnie will soon find out that his girlfriend Shorty was kidnapped by someone named Kiro who wants revenge after Vinnie killed his brother in a mission in Japan during Sift Heads 4. In the last main mission Vinnie then heads to the Yakuza base of operations in Chicago, kills everyone there then finds a computer where he gets intel from. Sift Heads 5 Room Start off the game with Vinnie inside his hotel room, along with Shorty, Vinnie’s girl friend. The second is to take out the leader of the Gray Mafia, the leader says that the 'Japenese' ( Yakuza) was looking for Vinnie before he is killed by Vinnie. Vinnie is back in town and doing what he does best. The first mission is to kill the 'Ghost Gambler'. 20 intense missions, up close shooter action, character interaction, sniping modes, 9 weapons of choice, custom clothes, bonus cheats and more. They are unlocked if the main objective before them was completed.

The game has 3 main objectives which, as Vinnie describes it, simply 'cleaning' the neighbourhood as well as several other side missions. Use the mouse button to interact and move, click to shoot, click on your weapon (top right corner) to hold it. The gameplay is very similar to the gameplay of the later games.

Sift Heads 5 is set in the northern neighbourhood of the classic city of Chicago, USA and the player's character is none other than Vinnie himself. This game was the first game to have the gameplay of the later games in the Sift Heads series.

Sift Heads 5 is the fifth and last game in the Sift Heads classic series. Sift Heads World: Act 1 - Deadly Newcomer