Her low health and close fighting style make her a bad choice.
This means any medium to long range character can deal with him. Technology Games Overwatch 2 Hero Guide: How To Play Reaper By Marc Santos 10/27/22 AT 1:12 AM EDT Reaper in Overwatch 2 Overwatch 2 KEY POINTS Reaper is great for flanking or. Even at a dozen feet away, his damage diminishes greatly. Although you're still vulnerable during the Ultimate, if you can sneak in and activate your Ultimate, everyone will begin dying before they even know what's going on. Death Blossom is amazing when clearing out a capture point.Try to use it when no one is looking, or aim it so you end up in a spot that can't be seen.

Shadow Step allows you to cross vast distances, but also leaves a telltale sign of where you're going.Even a sticky bomb tossed on you from Tracer does no damage if you're in Wraith form. Wraith form is not only good for getting out of bad situations, but when timed correctly, can be used to evade ultimates, and other powerful skills.With a headshot at point blank range, you can outright kill 150-200 health characters in one shot. Get as close as possible to your target to maximize the damage. Tactically overextending past where most heroes could safely go and then using the ability to escape danger is something the best Reaper players have mastered. Reaper’s Wraith Form in this instance allows him not only to stall, but to be more risky when he fights. Since Wraith Form makes you invulnerable, it’s a handy tool to stall time on the point for the rest of your team to arrive, whether you’re on attack or defense. Lucio is a rule breaker rebel who is in lawful, soldier is a vigilante who is in lawful.this list is a mess. 8, 2016 Follow Overwatch Reaper is arguably one of the most distinguishable heroes in Overwatch you don’t get to run around the battlefield with two shotguns and a mask without getting a bit of a reputation. One being an overwatch member and one being her mother. The ONLY REAPER Guide YOU Will EVER NEED 2021 Kajor 19.6K subscribers Subscribe 1K 36K views 1 year ago Reaper UNDERRATED REAPER GUIDE The best, most concise guide for Reaper that I. The change also increased the movement speed of the ability to 50-percent increased speed so that you can get further away.Īnother useful way to use Wraith Form is to stall out a point. Our Overwatch 2 tier list isn’t divided up into specific roles, but we have a hero for each role represented in every bracket. Overwatch character guides Guide by RPS Hivemind Published on Nov. This ability also reloads Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns, so it can also be used as a quick reload to keep outputting damage in those crucial and hectic fights. This allows for wider use of the ability, since you’re able to use it to get out of danger and run far away, or just to avoid quick burst damage and come back quickly to deal damage. After the recent balance change to Wraith Form, you’re now able to cancel the ability whenever you need to. Using this will allow you to run away from danger without the enemy being able to attack you. Wraith Form makes Reaper invulnerable for up to three seconds. If you find yourself in trouble after using Shadow Step or during the run of play, Reaper has a convenient way to get out of danger.