We're clicking and clicking to create a straight line - what if we want to create a curved line from point A to point B? We have to hold the mouse down and give it a direction to go - it's still going from the point, but it's going in that direction first before it heads to the next point. So, what Illustrator is going to do is it's going to create a curve between those two points. You're not drawing the line like the Pencil Tool does - you're still mentally thinking from point A to point B. To create a curved line, you have to click and drag and let go - one motion, so you're holding the mouse down, dragging and releasing. What you do not do is drag - to create straight lines, that's what we're going to get into next. The first of which are straight lines - click, click, click goes the straight line, you're creating a point, you're going to another point and clicking and it is anchoring one point to the next, connecting those points for you. The Pen Tool can create three kinds of points and once you understand that it can create these three kinds of points, you can draw anything with these three kinds of points.

It is not like something like the Pencil Tool which is more intuitive in the sense you just drag the line and it looks like what you did - the Pen Tool will not work nothing like that, and that's what I think a lot of people expect it to do. I always say that nothing in real life has prepared you for Illustrator's Pen Tool - it's just unlike anything that you've ever seen in real life. The Pen Tool is not an intuitive, easy to use tool to get started with, especially for people that have not worked with vector drawing tools before. So I'd like to explain how the Pen Tool works and how you can use it to draw just about anything that you can imagine. In this video, we'll explain how the Pen tool works and how you can use it to draw just about anything you can imagine in Adobe Illustrator.